Perl Training Logo: Praying Mantis


Padre the Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
is an Open Source, Platform independent IDE for Perl written in Perl using the wxWidgets GUI framework.

The project was started in July 2008 by Gabor Szabo the trainer and owner of PTI. Since then it has attracted interest by several developers in the Perl community.
It has been already included in the Fedora and Mandriva Linux distributions. Other Linux distributions are preparing to add it to their offering.
In addition it runs on Windows using either Strawberry Perl or ActivePerl.

For further details look at the main web site using Trac the bug and issue tracking system of Padre or the Ohloh project of Padre

Gabor is using Padre as a platform for the Perl courses he is teaching. See the schedule for the next class.