Advanced Perl course for anyone who has basic understanding in Perl and would like to be able to us more advanced features, create clean, easily reuse code.
- To be able to use advanced features of Perl.
- To be able to create Modules for better coder reuse
- To be able to write Object Oriented Perl code, create classes
Course format
- Total length of the course is 40 academic hours. (Usually 5 days.)
- About 50% of the time is hands on lab work.
- In order to take this course you must have working knowledge of Perl.
- An understanding of the 3 basic data types and subroutine definitions.
- Scalar and List context.
- Have attended the first part of this course or has at least one year practice using Perl
- Using existing modules
- Using standard modules
- Installing modules from CPAN
- Using CPAN modules
- Perl references
- Introduction to References
- Anonymous Arrays and Hashes
- Multi Dimensional Data Structures
- Manipulating Complex Data Structures
- References to functions
- Anonymous functions
- Static variables and Closures
- Memoization
- Data serialization
- Practical use of function references
- Perl libraries and modules
- Packages, Namespaces
- Libraries and Modules
- Creating libraries and modules
- Exporting selected functions
- Writing Unit Tests for Perl Modules
- Packaging modules for distribution
- Error handling
- Catching exceptions using block eval
- Exception handling with Try::Tiny
- Warnings and errors from the users POV with Carp
- Throwing exceptions with die and with Exception::Class
- Object Oriented Perl (OOP) using Moose
- Constructors and destructors
- Class methods and Instance methods
- Members
- Inheritance, Polymorhism, Encapsulation
- Singleton
- Operator overloading
- Object Oriented Perl (OOP) using plain Perl
- Constructors and blessing
- Accessors
- Base and parent class
- Method call
- Destructor (DESTROY)
- Automatic Class creation
- Extra
- Using the Perl debugger
- Using Dancer for writing Web applications
- Using LWP to write web scraping programs
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