Perl Training Logo: Praying Mantis
PTI Newsletter Vol 1.05 - Special offers

Welcome to PTI Newsletter No. 5

  1. Up coming PTI Training classes
  2. Perl Mongers - enhance your knowledge FREE of charge
  3. PTI Training classes
  4. Recommended Books
  5. Special offers
Up coming PTI Training classes See our schedule for up to date listing.
Perl Mongers - enhance your knowledge FREE of charge

The Perl Mongers is an international non-organization that tries to help users of the Perl programming language. People interested in Perl organize themselves into groups based on location and call themselves Perl Mongers (PM). There is a central web site listing all the PM groups at

In Israel there are 2 active PM groups, one in the Tel Aviv area and the other one in Jerusalem.

Both groups have mailing lists where you can register and ask Perl related questions. Usually you get responses within minutes.

Both groups also have monthly meetings. During the meetings we have presentations of various related subjects. These meetings are very often appropriate for the general public and do NOT require any experience in Perl.

Participation in the mailing lists or the meetings is FREE of charge.

Details about the mailing lists and about the monthly meetings can be found on the web site:

PTI Training classes
While we have several prepackaged training classes listed
below, we usually customize every class based on the
requirements of our clients. 
In such classes we usually include additional materials that 
do not form a full stand alone course yet such as 

* GUI development with Perl,
* Performance tuning of Perl scripts and applications

So for your special requirements, just ask us, we might have
the material ready for a 4-8 hour session already.

Fundamentals of Perl (Beginner)
            We have a totally rewritten new version of this course.

            This is a 4-5 days long course giving a good foundation
            for using Perl with many advanced examples of using Perl.

References, Modules and Objects (Advanced)
            Advanced Perl course to learn how to write and package
            modules and Object Oriented Perl. Usually we provide
            it in 3-5 days.

Web Application Development with Perl (Advanced)
            Perl can be used for web development in much more robust
            ways than simple CGI script. In this course we learn about
            one of the Web development frameworks of Perl.

Debugging Perl Scripts and Applications (Advanced)
            Learn how to use the built in debugger of Perl and the
            free Tk based graphical debugger. In addition learn how
            to use the various debugging related modules of Perl.

QA Automation using Perl (Advanced)
            Assumes basic knowledge of Perl, introduces a number of 
            advanced uses of Perl that can save thousands of dollars 
            in software licenses and improve quality of your products.
            Based on the previous experience we added some more exercises
            so the course is now 3 days long.

Perl for QA Professionals (Beginner)
            This 7 days long course gives full introduction to the 
            Perl programming language and touches a number of 
            advanced topics used by QA professionals for automated
            testing such as Web application testing, CLI testing, 
            Networking test, Database test and even
            Microsoft Windows GUI testing.
            Based on our experience the course now includes the full
            material of the Fundamentals course and the QA Automation
            using Perl course. Hence it is now 7 days long.

Learning Regular Expressions
            A 2 day course for everyone who wants to learn how to use 
            regular expressions in a wide variety of places:
            Unix command line: grep
            editors such as vi,
            languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Java-script, Java, .NET

Regular Expressions for Java programmers
            A 2 day course teaching the ins and outs of Regular 
            expressions for Java programmers. As I have been using 
            Regular Expressions in Perl and in other places for many
            years now. This course brings the Java developers all
            the text processing tools that were missed earlier. 

Regular Expressions for .NET programmers
            A 2 day course teaching the use of Regular Expressions 
            especially designed for .NET programmers.
Recommended Books
Higher Order Perl
  Object Oriented Programming is not the only way and many times 
  not the best way to address difficult problems. In HOP one 
  can learn many techniques originating from other languages especially 
  from LISP.

Mastering Regular Expressions
  This is not an easy reading but it goes very deep in the understanding
  of Regular expressions.

Network Programming with Perl
  This is the single most important source of anything network related 
  in Perl.

Perl Best Practices

Perl Medic
  For anyone who needs to maintain legacy Perl code written by others
  and anyone who writes code that other will have to maintain.

Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook
  If you want to start writing tests in Perl, this is the best book
  available for such task.
Special offers
We have two special offers related to our public courses 
scheduled for March, April and May 2007.

Early Birds
    Register early - ensure your place in the course and 
    SAVE 10% for your company.

Early Birds
    Register early and pick one of the highly recommended
    books about Perl. (List of choice is in this e-mail).

Package deals
    Register to more than one course and receive a 20% discount
    on the second course.

Special offers apply to the scheduled public courses listed
in item No. 1. in this newsletter.
Discounts add up. So register early to 2 courses and get 
a 10% discount on the total amount and 20% on the second course.
Early registration dead lines:
   March 1  Fundamentals of Perl (Beginner)
   March 21 Regular Expressions for Java programmers
   April 10 References, Modules and Objects (Advanced)
   April 16 QA Automation using Perl (Advanced)

For further details please see our full listing of courses and the up to date schedule.

Contact Naama Enosh by email: [naama at]
or by phone: 050-4845633